Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Is this a happy show, or a sad show?

I walk in the house and dump a Staples envelope on the table. "Flyers!"

After plucking out a handful and pretending to read one, she finally says -- and I don't mean finally like after reading the flyers, but finally after weeks of rehearsals and interviews and me being a terrible sneak -- she finally says, "Is this a happy show, or a sad show?"

It's a show about my brother and me, how we had a pretty bad time a few years ago. But mostly, it's about how it got better. And how incredibly joyous I am about that.

"It's a happy show, mom."

So Cruel: a sibling serenade
will premiere as part of the SoLow Festival
June 20-30, 2013
To reserve tickets, email socruelphilly@gmail.com

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