Saturday, June 8, 2013

Back with a vengeance. Or a show at least.

Hi guys.

I'm back.

It's been about seven months since my show The True Story, or vicious and multiple and untrue after all (which I'm now back to calling True Stories, because it's easier and I just like it) was performed as part of First Person Arts Festival. Phew.

What have I been up to?

A lot. We should get coffee and catch up.

But in the meantime, here's a summary of some of the writing/creating I've been involved with:

I participated in The Greater Philadelphia Wordshop Studio (GPWS) with Alison Hicks - finally! I've been on the waiting list for at least a year. At least. I dredged up some old super poetic memoir-y prose that's impossible to read, and I got some great input that's inspired me in many ways.

I started up the Mighty Post Teen Theatre Blogger (MWTB) program, where I'm teaching teens to write about performance. (We need a new name.) Inspired by Anna at Christ Church Neighborhood House and my work with Thinking Dance, I wanted to pass along the feeling of empowerment, the authority of my personal voice, that I got from writing dance reviews.

And I decided to perform in the SoLow Festival.

Why? This is the part where it all comes together . . .

Some things I learned working on True Stories:

  • Performance is essential to my writing
  • Working with other creators is fun
  • Having a deadline and a new format is super helpful to getting shit done
  • Telling the truth isn't easy, but it isn't all that bad.

Some things I learned from workshopping at GPWS:

  • Some stories aren't going away - you've got to finish them.
  • Fresh eyes can do worlds for an old story.

Some things I learned from students at MWTB:

  • I cannot get away from the intersection of writing and performance.

Stay tuned.

So Cruel: a sibling serenade
will premiere as part of the SoLow Festival
June 20-30, 2013
To reserve tickets, email

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