Hi guys.
I'm back.
It's been about seven months since my show The True Story, or vicious and multiple and untrue after all (which I'm now back to calling True Stories, because it's easier and I just like it) was performed as part of First Person Arts Festival. Phew.
What have I been up to?
A lot. We should get coffee and catch up.
But in the meantime, here's a summary of some of the writing/creating I've been involved with:
I participated in The Greater Philadelphia Wordshop Studio (GPWS) with Alison Hicks - finally! I've been on the waiting list for at least a year. At least. I dredged up some old super poetic memoir-y prose that's impossible to read, and I got some great input that's inspired me in many ways.
I started up the Mighty Post Teen Theatre Blogger (MWTB) program, where I'm teaching teens to write about performance. (We need a new name.) Inspired by Anna at Christ Church Neighborhood House and my work with Thinking Dance, I wanted to pass along the feeling of empowerment, the authority of my personal voice, that I got from writing dance reviews.
And I decided to perform in the SoLow Festival.
Why? This is the part where it all comes together . . .
Why? This is the part where it all comes together . . .
Some things I learned working on True Stories:
- Performance is essential to my writing
- Working with other creators is fun
- Having a deadline and a new format is super helpful to getting shit done
- Telling the truth isn't easy, but it isn't all that bad.
Some things I learned from workshopping at GPWS:
- Some stories aren't going away - you've got to finish them.
- Fresh eyes can do worlds for an old story.
Some things I learned from students at MWTB:
- I cannot get away from the intersection of writing and performance.
Stay tuned.
To reserve tickets, email socruelphilly@gmail.com
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